Clair’s infrared flowers will appear in the first issue of Len’s Journal.
Clair’s infrared flowers will appear in the first issue of Len’s Journal.
getting the colours right? Right? Is there such a thing when it comes to colour?
Exhibition of photographs by Pamela Pauline on at The Calyx in the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney. 6-26 April 2021.
Jan is a New Zealand based photographer who often finds her inspiration close to home on the local beach. Jan’s creations are captivating.
Exhibition on at the Pine Valley Studio in Galston, NSW - April 17-18 2021.
Shirley Steel is an Australian photographer who will be featuring in the first issue of the printed Len’s Journal magazine.
Len talks about how he uses the high resolution mode to create abstract photographs.
Mark Littlejohn is a photographer from the UK who will be featuring in the first issue of the printed Len’s Journal magazine.
Len’s Journal is launched today, with subscriptions open to our print issue.
Welcome to our Len’s Journal Newsletter. Len gives us a little context about the changes, and what to expect. He goes on to tell us about this photograph he took in 1988 called Canyon Junction.