introducing: Rachael Talibart

introducing: Rachael Talibart

Rachael Talibart is from the UK, and brings us wild, rugged and empty landscapes from her After Earth series of images. Amongst the wildness, Rachael manages to evoke a sense of calm and reflection. These are images to ponder.

Len says: “Rachael turns to monochrome in this incredibly series of oceans capes. They are passionately emotional photographs. I find myself mesmerised by their incredible power. Listening to Rachael speak about her art, I know I am listening to a kindred spirit. This spiritual side comes through her work”.

To see more of Rachael’s work, please visit:

This image is part of a series of Rachael’s work that will appear in Len’s Journal Volume 3 Issue 1, due for publication in Feb 2023. Subscribe to the print edition of Len’s Journal here.

Photograph reproduced with permission. Photograph copyright © Rachael Talibart 2023

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introducing: Suellen Saidee Cook

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