Affirmations and positive thoughts

Neuroplasticity is the latest research into understanding our brains and how they can be changed.

They have found, surprise surprise, that affirmations and positive thoughts actually do work as they can effect our mood for a period of time.

How often do you love your own work? Stop to really admire it? Do you tell yourself your work isn’t good enough or are you so excited about the latest wonderful artwork you have created?

Do you tell yourself how inspiring your own work is? Or when you look at it are you filled with self doubt?

Ok, so the trick to this, with our art, is to focus on what’s working. What’s right.

At the moment it is way to easy for us to focus on what’s wrong in the world. It’s falling apart. I am hearing more often of people not coping. It’s incredible sad. If I listen to the news it’s all doom and gloom.

To survive we need to focus on shaping the world closest to us, namely the one in our heads. Focus on your thoughts. Make positive ones.

Working out your own and writing them down in your visual diary, notebook, sketchbook etc is very powerful. More so than typing them, but even typing them out is good.

Sit with your own artworks and analyse what you do righty. What do you do well. What do you love about your own work. Turn those into positive affirmations. Write them down. Revisit them regularly.

Food for thought I hope. But really, it’s something I hope you make some time for and do it.

Sailors Bay Creek, just near my home in Willouhby. Taken during that storm a few weeks ago. Hand held. I love shooting and creating in the rain. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Overwhelmed by the photography of others
