Flow Through the Darkness

Flow Through the Darkness

Leura Cascades_022.jpg
And if the world has ceased to hear you,
say to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water, speak: I am.
— extract from Rainer Maria Rilke's, Sonnets to Orpheus

While it is true that here at Len’s Journal we are on a joyful mission to celebrate portfolios of work, we are also taking time to enjoy the myriad of single images out there.

Len started up Len’s Club in March last year. Just as the world locked down and the life we knew ceased for a time, so Len’s Club was a wonderful distraction for not only Len, but also for all the photographers who joined him in his endeavour to create an online school. The images posted in the Len’s Club forum are consistently stunning and it is so wonderful to see the members there engaging so actively with their photography.

Kelvin Knox is one of those founding members and I could not resist sharing (with permission) his beautiful image and thoughtful quote he selected to accompany it.

To see more of Kelvin’s work pop over to his website: Kelvin Knox website (or your could join Len’s Club!).

Photograph published with permission. Photograph copyright © Kelvin Knox 2021

Chase beautiful light

Chase beautiful light

introducing: Clair Reynolds

introducing: Clair Reynolds