Two new books coming

Two new books coming

We have finally have some books to release. Today is their first day of being shown to the world, and hence today is now their birthday. 24th July 2022. You can sneak in and have a look if you like. But in the coming weeks we will tell you so much more about them. We will launch Our Love Affair with Trees this Sunday on our National Tree day. So I will keep the explanation about what we have created for Sunday.

The other book is about flowers, and is called ‘the unfolding’ and includes this beautiful photograph too.

We will be having an order period so you can get a limited edition first edition hard bound copy. We will be having seperate launch events for them too.

So please stay tuned for lots of wonderful photographs, stories and poems.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022

A Creative Affair - journaling

A Creative Affair - journaling

New books from Len's Journal!

New books from Len's Journal!