Celebrating three years of Len's Journal!
Mark Littlejohn (http://marklittlejohnphotography.com), Jan Pearman, Shirley Steel (https://shirleysteel.com), Clair Reynolds (https://www.clairreynolds.com), ( Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com))
Starting a new year, we are taking a moment to look back. Len’s Journal was first published in May 2021 and we have enjoyed three years of sharing the most fantastic and inspiring photographic art.
Here is a collection of all our covers. Perhaps looking through them will inspire you to delve into a particular issue once again and rediscover those fabulous images.
In 2023 we felt that it would be wonderful to hear more about some of the work that we have published. So, we reached out and Len has been honoured to interview a selection of our featured artists on his podcast A Creative Affair. There you can listen to Michael O’Neil, Alister Benn, Suellen Cook, Rachael Talibart, Nicki Gwynn-Jones and Lucie Averill as they chat with Len and Brie (Len’s co-host) in more detail about their process and how they approach their craft. Watch out for more in 2024, they will be announced here as they are released.
Each quarter we print a limited number of copies based on our subscription sales. Due to the nature of printing in bulk, there are often a small number left over once all the subscribers have been sent their copy. The remaining copies are available to purchase through our website. It is exciting that some of our issues are now sold out. You can see each issue on our publications page.
We’ve been enjoying seeing all the covers together in this post and recapping on who is in each issue. We would like to take a moment to say thank you to all our featured artists. It really is a privilege to share your work and we appreciate you joining us on our Len’s Journal journey.
Len and I would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who subscribes to this newsletter, and in particular to those of you who subscribe to Len’s Journal. Without you we wouldn’t be able to publish such an inspiring publication each quarter. There is so much stunning photographic art out there that often never gets seen, we are looking forward to another year of celebrating wonderful art!
Sandra Bartocha (https://www.sandrabartocha.com), Morag Lokan (https://www.moragandchris.com), Fiona Huddleston (https://www.fionahuddlestonphotography.com), Hilary Younger (https://500px.com/p/hillsee?view=photos), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Chris Friel (https://www.cfriel.com/home), Isabel Hight, Elizabeth Johnson, Michael O’Neil (http://www.santafeartphotographer.com/fine-art.html), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Jerad Armijo (http://awayiflew.com), Alister Benn (https://expressive.photography), Janet Tavener (https://www.janettavener.com), Jane Sheers, Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Peter Eastway (https://www.petereastway.com), Nicki Gwynn-Jones (https://nickigwynnjones.zenfolio.com), Anissa Lawrence (www.tierramar.com.au), Jeff Gardner (www.JeffGardner.ca), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Dr. Unni Krishnan Pulikkal (http://unnipulikkal.art), Susan Astor-Smith (https://susanastor-smithphotography.com.au), Lucie Averill (https://www.lucieaverillphotography.co.uk), David Tanner (https://davidtanner.myportfolio.com), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Bernard Lim (https://www.instagram.com/98blim), Brie Stockwell (https://creativemindscoach.com), Paul Johnson from Australia, (https://www.instagram.com/anima_loci_south_australia/), Jarvis Smallman (www.jarvissmallman.com ), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Rachael Talibart (www.rachaeltalibart.com), Suellen Saidee Cook (https://www.suellensaideecook.com.au), Takashi Fukukawa (https://www.instagram.com/fukukawatakashi), Hazel Hewlett-Smith, Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
David Radcliff (https://www.instagram.com/davidradcliff), Anissa Lawrence (www.tierramar.com.au), Shirley Steel (https://shirleysteel.com), Clair Reynolds (https://www.clairreynolds.com), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Doug Chinnery (www.dougchinnery.com), Oltea Sametrean (https://oltea-photo.com), Chris Grieve (https://www.chrisgrievephotography.com), Kay Gordon, Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
Paul Kenny (https://www.paul-kenny.co.uk), Ellie Young (www.goldstreetstudios.com.au) , Geoff Pearman (www.pearman.co.nz), Jade Pierce (https://www.instagram.com/welshfootpath), Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com)
If you are not a subscriber to the printed journal, but would like to be, you can subscribe here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription
The subscription automatically renews every three months.
We print a limited print run, hand numbered and hand embossed, based on the number of subscribers on the cut-off date, which is 8th Jan 2024 to start with the Feb 2024 issue.
Photographs reproduced with permission. Photographs copyright © Len Metcalf 2024