A year of Len's Journal - 2024

A year of Len's Journal - 2024

2024 was an exciting and challenging year for us. Our printer, who had produced such high quality printing for us, unexpectedly stopped trading just as we published issue two. We were able to seamlessly transition to a new printer with no delays to the printing of issue three, and no compromise on quality. In fact, we were able to move to 100% recycled paper, which had been a dream since we first started Len’s Journal.

We hope you have enjoyed all the creative work we’ve packed into each issue this year. It is such a pleasure sharing these wonderful artists work with you.

Let’s celebrate 2024 and all our amazing photographers. Read below to see each issue, there are links for each photographer so you can explore more of their fabulous work.

Thank you to all our subscribers, this publication wouldn’t exist without you! We hope you have a happy new year and a fantastic 2025 ahead!

Volume four issue one:

Michela Griffith (www.michelagriffith.com) is fascinated by water and shares her mysterious abstracts.

Bil Ferngren (www.stillbill.se) looks for details normally overlooked in nature.

Shaun McGrath (https://www.instagram.com/after_everyones_asleep/) seeks calm in wild places, exploring solitude in nature.

Kelvin Knox (www.kelvinknox.com) takes us over to the dark side and explores the powerful nature of black in photography.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) paints with his camera as he shows us a new series.

Volume four issue two:

Paul Reid (www.paulreidphotography.com) brings to life a timeless figure with his series of images that capture our imagination and entice us into a complex monochromatic world..

Margaret Frankish is an accidental photographer who shows us the colourful side of the streets of Sydney.

Jim Love (www.instagram.com/jim_love_4) presents us with a visual exploration of river bubbles over tannin stained water is a journey in dark contrasts.

Trish Frei introduces us to her reflections on a Spring day.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) shares a series that is a celebration of snow. Those fleeting moments blanketed in white.

Volume four, issue three:

Guy Dickinson (https://www.tracingsilence.com) immerses us in his abstracted images from the UK of the countryside in which he walks.

Knox Bertie (https://www.instagram.com/knoxbertie) has transitioned to Australia from Canada and brings us his unique insight to the Sydney commute.

Benjamin Maze (https://www.benmazefineart.com) another Sydney artist bringing us gorgeous images that transport us to the Australian rainforest.

Howard Gwynne (https://www.instagram.com/howard.gwynne) introduces us to his playful take on the Australian landscape.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) beguiles us with his captivating images of flannel flowers.

Volume four, issue four:

Julian Calverley (https://www.juliancalverley.com) from the UK, draws us into his deep, moody landscapes.

Mieke Boynton (https://www.miekeboynton.com) inspires us with her amazing birds eye view of Australia.

Sally Mason (https://www.sallymasonphotography.com) wraps us up in her atmospheric seascapes and views of the UK coast.

Judy Warburton shares a specially printed set of images of the Australian landscape.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) introduces us to his abstract tree project.

To receive each issue on your doorstep, every three months, please consider subscribing:

We have a limited number of copies left, head over to our website if there is an issue you’d love (apologies that issue three has sold out.)

Photographs reproduced with permission. Photographs copyright © Len Metcalf.

introducing: Jackie Ranken

introducing: Jackie Ranken

introducing: Ben Coope

introducing: Ben Coope