introducing: Elizabeth Johnson

introducing: Elizabeth Johnson

Liz Johnson - Wetlands 1.jpg

Elizabeth Johnson produces the most detailed images with so much depth. You can look at just one of her images for hours and still find little details waiting to be discovered. Liz’s work will be appearing in our third issue of Len’s Journal.

Len says: “Liz is the most wonderful person to be with. Always smiling, happy and incredibly positive. Whenever we are critiquing photographs, Liz so often opens with incredibly emotional and intuitive responses that illuminate the image in question. What I so love about these images is her incorporation of her ensō ink (circular) brushwork. A mixing of drawing, painting, ink and photography. We can learn a lot from someone whom is able to be so present with their feelings about art.”

Liz, we love your images and are honoured that you have shared them with us all.

If you would like to see Liz’s thoughtful, beautiful work in more detail, then please consider subscribing to the print edition of Len’s Journal.

Subscribe before 8th October 2021 to receive Volume 1 Issue 3, in which Liz’s work appears.

Photograph reproduced with permission. Photograph copyright © Elizabeth Johnson 2021



Gondwanan Dreaming

Gondwanan Dreaming