introducing: Janet Tavener

introducing: Janet Tavener

Janet Tavener is an Australian artist who creates the most intricate and detailed works. We are so delighted that her work will be appearing in the first issue of our second volume of Len’s Journal, due for publication in February 2022.

Len says: “Janet’s tondos remind me of looking dreamily through a romantic port hole into a blooming underwater garden. As I peer out into this unique and different world I am lost in thoughts as my mind swirls around the gorgeous natural environment and beautiful compositions. Each of her artworks takes me into a new and exciting world, each to be pondered in its own right. These creative floral images are truely mezmerising.

Yet, when we look closer and find out more about the artworks we discover a salient and poignant statement about the way we treat our oceans around the seven continents of the world. A world flooded with chemicals and plastics doing untold damage. Our oceans are critically endangered, yet not many bear witness to this horrific event. Yet within great beauty there is so much sadness.”

To see more of Janet’s unusual work, please visit her website:

If you would like to see more of these gorgeous images, and that of four other photographers, then please consider subscribing to the print edition of Len’s Journal by 8th January 2022 to receive your copy of the February 2022 issue that this work appears in.

Photograph reproduced with permission. Photograph copyright © Janet Tavener 2022

Last chance!

Last chance!

Len's Journal Volume 2, Issue 1

Len's Journal Volume 2, Issue 1