Len's Journal

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Generative fill and lens blur now in Lightroom

Lightroom has just announced two recent updates so I thought I’d give them a quick whirl.

The first is generative fill. Which means you need to be connected to the internet and artificial intelligence (AI) makes up the fill. This has been in Photoshop for a while now, but this is the first in Lightroom. You have to turn it on as a beta version. This means it comes with no promises of success I think.

The second change is lens blur. Though I thought it was already there, and on my desktop not too long ago either. Today it is also on my phone. So for a bit of fun I tried both on this photo so you can see how it works.

I had to go over the same spot four times to get it to something I liked. I also used it in the lower right corner to remove a dark spot

I find it always a good idea to try and experiment with these things as soon as they get published. Many used to say Lightroom sucked for object removal Perhaps that is now a thing of the past.

Enjoy experimenting.