Flannel flowers

Flannel flowers

We are preparing to send out Len’s Journal Volume 4 Issue 2, we’ve had a little bit of illness getting in the way and so it is due to be posted out next week!

Our next issue will be out in August and will feature a beautiful series of Len’s images of flannel flowers. All rendered in his favourite sepia tones.

We’ve another fantastic line up of creative photographers ahead and will be introducing them to you in the coming weeks.

If you are not a subscriber to the printed journal, but would like to be, you can subscribe here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription subscribe by 8th July 2024 to start your subscription with Volume 4, Issue 3. Due for publication in August 2024.

If you are already a subscriber, thank you! All you need to do is sit back and wait for the next issue to be delivered to your door.

Photograph copyright © Len Metcalf 2024

Generative fill and lens blur now in Lightroom

Generative fill and lens blur now in Lightroom

A Creative Affair - art, adventure and awe

A Creative Affair - art, adventure and awe