

These beautiful ferns were taken a few months ago now on my first outing with my OM-1. The more I use this beautiful camera the more I love it. They are hard to buy at the moment as they either didn’t make enough or they sold so well. Perhaps they couldn’t buy enough parts or even raw materials. I feel blessed not to be in the waiting boat for one.

In the months I have had it I have taken some more lovely shots. But somehow today I want to go back to my beloved ferns. These are in Sydney. We saw some at Mount Wilson last week. They didn’t look very happy. I asked an old gardener at one of the show gardens and he said they don’t seem to like too much water. I imagine we are all over the amount of water that has been around this year.

I probably have a whole book of ferns. Perhaps that would be too many? Perhaps a Len’s Journal portfolio of them might be in order. I do wonder why I keep returning to them as a significant subject in my work. Childhood memories of them perhaps. Or is it the beautiful black lines. Perhaps it’s the repeating patterns. I just love the way they fan and make a canopy.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022

Autumn’s here

Autumn’s here

A Creative Affair - inspiration

A Creative Affair - inspiration