Flannel Flowers

Flannel Flowers

I found my first flannel flowers of the season on a walk a week ago. I didn’t have my camera with me. So I plan to take it out with me on my walks this week. Where I live the bush comes alive with them. Seeing some beautiful ones taken by my photography friends in and around Sydney has inspired me to work the local natives a bit harder this spring.

Despite my looking I only found three species of orchids locally over the years. I am sure there are more there. I don’t think it’s just that I don’t look. I think I need to learn what to look for. I am sure I miss the really tiny ones. Not knowing where to look or what to look for.

There is a scientific term for that. But google isn’t helping me find it this morning.

You, see, I so often go for my walks to escape my mind, work and home. I take the dog and I walk and walk and walk. Walking out my stresses and relaxing. If I take my camera it’s a very different walk. It often becomes a stroll. So often I don’t get very far. I get lost in searching for and creating photographs.

I so often use a terrible excuse to leave the camera at home. The one I most use is surrounding the light. Harsh and direct full sun. Yet, I know this is just rubbish. I know I can create beautiful art in any light. It is just an excuse. Perhaps I should time my walk more for sunset.

I seem to work better, creatively, with a bit of an idea. A goal perhaps or even a specific project. The last good photographic session was concentrating on angophera trees. Kristyn and I are planning on another book. So that gave me a huge burst of enthusiasm. Actually seeing the first book of ours in draft form is incredibly exciting in its own right. Hopefully that will be ready to launch later in the year. We need the book printers to open up fully again first and we still have much to do on the design. Though as usual Clair has created something incredibly beautiful.

We are working on a podcast at the moment too. The first episode has been recorded and we are working on a few more. There is a lot to do before we release it but we will get that out to you around the middle of October. It’s about creativity and I am doing it with a dear friend in America. It’s based on our conversations. It’s the result of putting two passionate photographers together with a background in mentoring creatives. Our conversation always turns to how. Expect to hear more about this as we get closer to the launch. Of course I’ll drop the episodes in this newsletter for you to hear.

Many new things are in the works atm. Including the next issue of Len’s Journal. Places in the black and white photography course are also going quickly and it is neatly full. So please book in if you are interested now.


Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021

Volume 1, Issue 3

Volume 1, Issue 3

