Len's Journal

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crazy experiments

Every so often online software turns up that I think I will just give it a go to see what happens. There have been a few that turn monochrome photographs into colour. So I thought I’d give another one ago. I say another one, as this isn’t the first time I have tried.

So what do you think? Just a crazy experiment or is there something in it. Now these images were all taken on one beautiful morning during a Len’s Club gathering. Yes we do get together occasionally in person. This get together wasn’t during one of our lockdowns but the way.

I find it fascinating how consistent the colour palet is between them all. Much easier than trying to get the greens consistent between them all. It totally strips out the sepia in the process and doesn’t mess with the tones at all.

One question does arise and that is obviously about being faithful to the original scene, which these are not. The colours are truely computer generated and are clearly false. Abstracted.

How often do you try crazy experiments? I sincerely hope it is very regularly. For I personally believe that is a key element in the creative process. If you ain’t trying things, well where are you going? Down a known path I suspect.

Things, art, creativity doesn’t have to go anywhere. I am not sure these do. But they gave me a little smile.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021