Len’s Master Class 2022

Len’s Master Class 2022

It’s been two full years since I last ran my Master Class for photographers. I had so many of my existing students asking me about it the Thursday cohort was sold out before I even advertised it. So I added a second cohort for Fridays. I have only three spots in it if you are interested. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/lens-master-class-2022

The Master Class is incredibly special to me because it was the start of me transitioning from outdoor recreation Tafe teacher to full time photography educator. It was the leap of faith, the beginning. It always sells best by word of mouth from successful graduates. They are sprinkled everywhere. From the initial six from the first time I ran it I went to 18 in the second year.

The Master Class concept is to help intermediate photographers take their work to that next level. It’s a full year of classes. Students take on their own projects and are mentored through their growth in a supportive group. Next year I’ll run it online and we already have students from New Zealand, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney enrolled.

It is an incredible program. And a very very unique opportunity. I have never found anything like it around the world, anywhere. I teach fortnightly throughout the whole year. It’s full of inspiration and is designed to help you settle into your own work flow. To examine and develop a really strong creative process to work from. Another unique element for next year is the inclusion of personalised sessions with you one on one.

These images were taken during the last Master Class I ran. We went to that lighthouse for a week and whilst we studied colour theory and the use of colour we played with Abstract photography. It was an amazing experience. We didn’t have to leave the lighthouse as it had virtually its own private beach at our doorstep. We had so much fun, good food and a few lovely glasses of wine together.

Hopefully next year we can gather during the Master Class too. We are also hopefully exhibiting in Cleveland Phot Festival, USA, and hosting and exhibition swap with them. Subject to confirmation, alternativly we will put a show on in the Head On Photography Festival here in Sydney. Printing and exhibiting our work is such an important skill set and is such a wonderful one to do together in a group for your first time.

Much of the program is around your own personal projects. The course isn’t for those that just want to show up and listen. You would need to be working hard on your own work and present it regularly for critique. If you wish to take it a bit gently next year and commit to an amazing course from the comfort of your own home whilst we settle into a life with Covid. This may just be just the thing for you. If you are interested please book quickly as the three spots won’t last very long. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/lens-master-class-2022

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021

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