Waiting for inspiration


It’s fascinating that we have this long held notion that inspiration arrives in a flash. That we wait for it to strike.

While thoughts can hit us at anytime, most inspiration is basically very hard work searching for answers to posed questions. We have to work at the questions and give our minds, our subconscious and the universe time to figure out the answers. Hence the idea it arrives in a blinding flash.

You need to work on your questions.


If you are like me, I do it much better with some help. Someone supportive to listen and encourage me. Someone with years of experience to guide me. Offer suggestions and to brainstorm off.

That is what ‘Focused Lens’ is. It’s a mentor program where you work on your own projects with someone to guide, encourage, support and inspire you.

If you have the time to work on your own projects this may be the perfect program for you.

These two are available in person with me and are now in my program for next year. The online version still needs some incubation, but is in the pipeline.



Why would you do it with me? Well, a lifetime of being a facilitator has made me a master mentor and guide. My knowledge in photography, well, that doesn’t need explaining. I have been mentoring photographers as artists for the past ten years. Their success speaks for itself too.

Sarah, photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019


Short Lens at Kangaroo Island, South Australia