
When I look at this photograph of Ellen, I wonder if the white strip along the bath edge is too much, too distracting? I wonder about the tap too. These highlights form a triangle that goes neatly through her head and arms.

I wonder if it’s a help or a distraction.

There is only one way for me to answer this question. That is to print the photograph and live with it for a while. If the print is sloppy, my judgement will be impaired. So it needs to be beautiful and keep my attention for months, not just micro seconds that the usual glimpse at photography entails in this day and age of digital saturation.

Printing is a skill. It requires an anal workflow that one must stick rigidly too. It requires problem solving and practice. Then there’s the artistic judgement about quality.

I can help you here, as I am running a printmaking workshop weekend in a couple of weeks time. Why not join us in Willouhby at my Studio and let me teach you how to take control of your printing. Actually, this Thursday sees me at St George’s Photographic Society doing my Easy Printing Presentation. The very short version, without the practice and practical demonstrations that you really need to master your own printing.

Not only do we cover using an inkjet printer, we spend time with ordering prints from a vender, and preparing them, so that they are just right before you spend your money on having them printed. Anyway, there are still some spots on the workshop if you’d like to attend.

Ellen, photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Orchid Madness

Fallow Fields