Wondering how far I can push


I do wonder how far I can push my work. Away from the norms of photography and popular photography to find my own asthetic.

I once wrote that was my goal. To find a new way of seeing. My search for ‘A Uniquely Australian Landscape Asthetic’ I wrote. Some days I think I am getting there, then others I doubt my own work.

The doubting is a terrible curse. I shouldn’t linger on it at all.

I concentrate on being myself. Making work that pleases me. Hopefully I am unique enough that it rolls through into my work.

Does it matter that it’s not popular? Makes running my own business so much harder.

I scroll through the work of the throb of popular and am saddened by the obsession with perfection. I can see their hands processing their work, steering the eye of the viewer, and changing so much. Seeing so little. The work becomes so stale, similar and boring. It’s so frustrating to see it liked and promoted. Where is the really interesting art?

Thank you for reading, for stopping and looking, for engaging with my work and words. You have no idea how important this is to me.

To those that take the time to write and engage with me, I am eternally grateful.

Without the support from this readership I wonder how lost I would be?

Australian Eucalyptus Trees. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Ferns in the snow

Training our eyes for detail