
I have a talk today at the gallery just before we pull the show down. I don’t know what I will talk about. I will ask those that are there what they want to hear, and start from there.

I imagine it will be about the works on the wall as that seems an obvious place to start. I wonder how many will come? It’s at two pm so it’s not to late to join me.

Talking about art, and why it captivated our attention has been my main conversation for the past ten years. Or is it twenty. Ok so I started well before I even left school.

The thing is, that you never stop learning about how art works. It’s complex and fascinating to try and understand. New art, new ways of seeing, more to think and talk about.

I have really enjoyed my week at the gallery.

Dogwoods, photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Slow mornings
