
There is a fascinating post going on at The Online Phototographer. Mike Johnston has stirred things up by claiming that digital monochrome is a poor cousin to film.

That all modern digital monochrome photography just isn’t any good, he laments. Ok, so I am exaggerating. Most he actually says. I love these broad sweeping statements. Lol. I shouldn’t be so quick to dam others when I am equally a culprit of making them.

I could easily say most photography I see doesn’t inspire me. That is really only true if I pointed my eye at social media feeds.

But I don’t. The work I see as prints, by my students, in exhibitions, at camera clubs, the people who’s work I choose to follow in social media is unequivocally outstanding.

I believe I am seeing great work… and I am so pleased I am… it’s beautiful..,

He goes on that digital should be reserved for colour… lol…

Funny, as I find exactly the opposite. Digital is my monochrome playground and film is my colour sanctuary.

I wrote in the comments about film and digital being two different mediums. Comparing the two is rather dangerous I think. Photography evolves, like art and life. Things change, as does tastes. Artists push boundaries and that is thier job.

We just have to go with it. Change that is…

It really depends on what you think photography is?

What is photography to you?

Dogwoods Photography and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019
