Hanging Bark

Hanging Bark


“I seek out places where it can happen more readily, such as deserts or mountains or solitary areas, or by myself with a seashell, and while I’m there get into states of mind where I’m more open than usual. I’m waiting, I’m listening. I go to those places and get myself ready through meditation. Through being quiet and willing to wait, I can begin to see the inner man and the essence of the subject in front of me.”

~Minor White


This Photograph was taken on one of those days where I really connected with this place.  I had been there many times, as a canyoner then again as an artist. I can no longer remember the specifics of this particular trip. I do remember the hanging bark and roughly where it was.  

This photograph was one of the original series of Blue Mountains Canyons that I opened the Leonard Metcalf Gallery in Katoomba in 2000 with. Ken Duncan’s printer Rebbeca printed them for me onto Ilfochrome digitally. So I have two copies, one 8 x 10 and the other 16 x 20 printed on this now historical paper.  This particular paper has a gorgeous depth to it because the emulsions are put down in layers. The paper prints naturally black, so you burn the colours and highlights in with light.  They feel three dimensional.  Unfortunately this paper is no longer made.

Hanging Bark.  Newnes Plateau. The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.  Fuji Provia, Linhof Technokardin TK45, Sheinder 210mm f 5.6 (I think).   Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019





The top of Australia

The top of Australia