Len's Journal Volume Four Issue One

Len's Journal Volume Four Issue One


A printed journal dedicated to creative photography. Published quarterly, in a numbered and embossed limited edition.

Edited by Len Metcalf

210 mm x 210 mm, 60 pages, soft cover, perfect bound

Limited Edition of 100 copies

Published November 2023

Designed and Produced by Clair Reynolds

Printed by Momento Pro in Australia

For more information see below.

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journal description

A printed quarterly limited edition journal that celebrates creative photography.

Each issue includes an editorial by Len Metcalf and one of his personal portfolios.

Each issue includes a number of portfolios by numerous creative photographers around the world. Each presented as a series.

Individual portfolios are selected for their ability to be resolved as a series of artworks that all speak together as one.

A range of photographers, with various experience levels, differing backgrounds and abilities, are selected for the quality of their work.

Light on words, heavy on stunning stimulating photographic artworks.


Michela Griffith (www.michelagriffith.com) is fascinated by water and shares her mysterious abstracts.

Bil Ferngren (www.stillbill.se) looks for details normally overlooked in nature.

Shaun McGrath (https://www.instagram.com/after_everyones_asleep/) seeks calm in wild places, exploring solitude in nature.

Kelvin Knox (www.kelvinknox.com) takes us over to the dark side and explores the powerful nature of black in photography.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) paints with his camera as he shows us a new series.


210 mm x 210 mm x 5 mm

64 pages

200 gms

160 gsm matte paper - a gorgeous smooth non reflective modern bright white paper

Soft laminated matte cover

Perfect bound

Printed by Momento Pro in Australia, our leading photographic book bespoke printers

Limited edition of 100, numbered and hand embossed with Len Metcalf’s Studio Stamp


Len’s Journal is only available through subscription and a small over run of copies

AUD$59.50 per issue per copy

AUD$15 postage, packaging and handling within Australia per issue

AUD$25 postage, packaging and handling for international subscribers per issue

All pricing is quoted in Australian Dollars

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