Our Love Affair With Trees - Launch party

Our Love Affair With Trees - Launch party

Our Love Affair With Trees is beautifully produced as a limited edition hard back book. Embossed, signed and numbered by hand.

October has been a busy month for Len’s Journal as we’ve received our two newest books back from the printer. Lots of signing and packaging later, we are in the process of posting out copies, with the last batch going off to the post office today.

A massive thank you to everyone who has shown their support in buying a copy, we are just blown away to be able to bring these books to life.

First up, a few words about Our Love Affair With Trees. In collaboration with Jodi Rose, Len has photographed dancers with trees. The images are stunning, but, more than that, Jodi has interviewed numerous people about their thoughts and relationships with trees. The combination is a beautiful celebration of nature and trees.

Inside Our Love Affair With Trees

Inside Our Love Affair With Trees

The launch to celebrate the release of Our Love Affair With Trees was a beautiful, sunny afternoon. The books were signed by the authors and copies were presented to the dancers after speeches from Jodi and Len. Attendees were given their own trees to take home and plant. Thank you to everyone who came along.

Jodi Rose signs a copy of Our Love Affair With Trees at the book launch

Len Metcalf and Jodi Rose speaking to guests at the book launch of Our Love Affair With Trees

Book launch of Our Love Affair With Trees

To find out more about Our Love Affair With Trees, or to order your own copy of this limited edition print run, please visit: https://lensjournal.com/publications/our-love-affair-with-trees

Head On Photo Exhibition 'Mirrors and Windows'

Head On Photo Exhibition 'Mirrors and Windows'

introducing: Brie Stockwell

introducing: Brie Stockwell