dark umbel

dark umbel

The one-word challenge last week posed to our Len’s Club members was ‘dark’. It got a great response and we’d like to share this submission from David Tanner ‘dark umbel in winter light’. It is wonderful to see images from the other side of the world showing how different our seasons currently are.

You can see more of David’s work over on his website and get an insight to the countryside of his home in Northumberland in the UK: https://alensinthelandscape.wordpress.com

Thank you for sharing your work David, we always enjoy your images.

Photographs published with permission. Photograph copyright © David Tanner 2022

If you would like to join in with our weekly challenges, discussions and photographic exercises then you can subscribe to Len’s Club and become part of a vibrant community of photographers.

OM Systems OM-1 (formerly Olympus)

OM Systems OM-1 (formerly Olympus)

Michael Kenna exhibition, New York

Michael Kenna exhibition, New York