Dada inspired randomness

Dada inspired randomness

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Each week Len pushes us to think a bit differently about our photography and to try new things. Hats off to the Len’s Club members who enthusiastically took on the ‘Dada inspired randomness’ exercise last week.

I am sharing these images from Graeme Allen which really jumped out at me, I love the colour palette and the futuristic feel to the images. The more I look the more I see and the more I don’t know what it is! These are stunning abstract photographs. Thank you Graeme.

You can see more of Graeme’s work here: Graeme Allen’s website

If you would like to join in with our weekly discussions and photographic exercises then you can subscribe to Len’s Club

Photograph published with permission. Photograph copyright © Graeme Allen 2021

Tipping Point

Tipping Point

moving past go

moving past go