Canberra sketches

Canberra sketches

This is one of many projects submitted to our summer project exercise in Len’s Club. Members had a month to work on a project on the subject of ‘themes and variations’. A worthwhile photographic exercise is to work on a particular process and to create a project of this exploration. Chris Lokan did exactly that while exploring how to turn images into pencil drawings in post processing.

We love the presentation as if the images were in a scrapbook and that the images selected for this project lend themselves perfectly for turning into pencil drawings.

Thank you, Chris, for sharing your beautifully rendered work with us.

To see more of Chris Lockan’s work you can visit his website:

Photographs published with permission. Photograph copyright © Chris Lokan 2022

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Abstract Workshop Port Macquarie

Abstract Workshop Port Macquarie

sand dunes

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