Tarkine Dreaming

Tarkine Dreaming

In a few days time I will be standing here again. Wondering what compositions I can create. This morning I wandered through last year’s photos in preparation for this year. I found these and thought I’d process them and see how they sit with me.

I had a good look at various long range weather forecasts and got excited about the possibility of some wet days. It’s the misty, wet rainy days I love the best in the rainforest. This is because I so love the softer light and the greens in the mosses. I always find it strange that I think so lovingly about the greens when I look at my work in mononchome. After a presentation to a camera club someone inevitably notices and asks.

It’s already decided that I will return next year with another group in winter. It’s like a magnet. I am just pulled and pulled. Perhaps it’s to do with my fear of loosing it to mining and logging that keeps me so excited about it.

It’s time for me to head into class. Another day of learning to be an art therapist. Yesterday I wrote and illustrated a book and painted myself as a tree. I wonder what is on the agenda today. It’s opening up so many possibilities for exercising our creativity. I can’t wait for my next retreat to enjoy sharing them with you.

Tarkine, Tasmania, photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2023

introducing: Lucie Averill

introducing: Lucie Averill

introducing: Dr. Unni Krishnan Pulikkal

introducing: Dr. Unni Krishnan Pulikkal