Len's Journal

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I haven’t been too well lately. My mental health seems to be suffering from many things. I sense my bucket is a bit full and is overflowing way to easily. So rather than winging and gripping I have just kept quiet. Hence not many writings or photographs being published.

I am clear of Covid now which is great news, unfortunately though headaches come easily and lassitude sets in way to readily too. I hear it can take a year to get your energy back. But it is at sufficient levels to function again and that terrible cough has well and truely passed. At least it isn’t long covid and I did get through it a few weeks. It is important for me to put it back into perspective, as we lost so many people the world over, and others aren’t though this yet either. I am thankful it wasn’t worse.

Probably the biggest cause of the decline in my mental health is my ankle. After eight weeks it still hasn’t healed and I am getting referred pain all over the place. I had an MRI on it last week to see if we can figure out what is going on. Basically I can’t walk very far, and when I do, I limp and go rather slowly. As you know walking for me in the bush is my way of dealing with stresses and without that things build up more than they should. My biggest fear atm is not being able to do the big long walks I love so dearly.

With all of this down time from work things have piled up. But I am working through my to do list. I am finalising the Tarkine trip this week and also will finish sorting the one to Western Australia. One thing that was on my mind last week is next year’s calendar. I know it will be more focused on in person workshops and tours. If there is somewhere you would really love me to teach, or something you’d really love me to run a workshop in, now is the time to write to me and let me know.

We are so close to announcing some books we have been working on. To actually hold a physical draft in your hands is so incredible. I actually had tears when I first opened one whilst standing in Momento. Is amazing how that has motivated the thinking behind many more ideas for others. The success of Len’s Journal has taught us we can self publish successfully, and in the high quality I’d prefer.

These trees are destined for a book too. I tried to make a handmade version last year, but more pictures keep turning up begging to be included. So it grows and changes. I decided I had to write the words for it too. So there will be a huge challenge for me.

I feel lifted after writing all of this. Thank for getting through it to here. Having a supportive audience and a dedicated group of photographers whom turn to me for learning and inspiration definitely makes my life truely rewarding. The images I create along the way are just the icing on the cake.

Tusche Trees. Captured on the Emerald Coast with Peter Eastway during our recent workshop. Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022