

Do you know I had to look up how to spell ‘silhouette’. Where’s the ‘w’? Spellcheck or predictable text wasn’t helpful. You need the first four letters correct for it to work. Google came to the rescue. Not that I should be promoting that monopoly either.

Predictive text and spell checkers cause me so much stress. But are so helpful too. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I can’t spell the word I wish to write. I give up and replace it with a similar one that isn’t quiet what I wanted. Such is the life of a dyslexic writer.

I do wonder how dyslexia effects my art? I do dislike high contrast. I notice I avoid it in my art. On a written page the white spaces between the words move. They take over the words and I can so easily get distracted. My eyes wander down the page following these white rivers. They flow. I see the patterns between the words. It’s one reason I love sepia. It softens the high contrast. You see sepia is for my enjoyment. Not yours. I loved pencil for the same reasons. It softens the art and reduces contrast. Makes it easier for me not to get distracted.

Mum used to come into my room, when I was a child, and open the curtains. Turn on the lights. It would increase the contrast of writing. I’d loose my place. Loose my concentration. And helped me to loose interest in writing. Is there actually any evidence that reading in a darkened room is bad for your eyes?

I often tell people my art is gentle like I am. But perhaps this lack of high contrast is more about my dyslexia? Just a thought. The truth is probably more of a mix between the two. Looking at these silhouettes of trees, I do think they are soft and gentle in so many ways.

They are from all over the place. Scotland, Tasmania, Willoughby, Katoomba. Different times, from five years ago to five days ago too. Different cameras too, phone, medium format, micro four thirds. Different weather too.

Yet they are all tied together with a consistency of Len. Smiles. A consistency of love. Passion. And vision I hope. I do hope they tell you about me and my love.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021

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