The Leura Abstract Retreat

The Leura Abstract Retreat


We have just started our first abstract photography retreat in Leura. We are staying at the Old Leura Diary. This place is full of gorgeous old timber’s and iron. Each cottage is full of beautiful things to photograph.

Do you ever give yourself the gift of a retreat? I try too regularly. I pick a place to settle in for a week or two. Somewhere I find inspirational. Somewhere quiet and peaceful. I love to explore places with other creatives as I find thier work so so inspiring and uplifting. Incredibly motivating. It is why my workshops and tours are so loved and well attended.

When I retreat I turn away from the rest of my life and aim for total immersion in my art, that is when the most beautiful art arrives through my fingers. It’s such a beautiful thing.


It’s when I do immerse myself that I can let go. If I pick up my camera at home I am not as inspired to create as when I am away. During our lockdowns I tried to create on my walks. And a few beautiful images came. But now I am away and surrounded by others it all flows.


At the beginning of the week I never am too sure where my work will go. It’s this big beautiful question mark. We are surrounded by autumn colours. So bright. The reds and the oranges are a delicious temptation. Much like the Rothko reds I so adore.

If I previsualise I get distracted by my goals. Hence the intention this week is to just make beautiful art rather than anything too specific.

Though there is something I am planning and that is to make some handmade books while I am here. Partly to inspire others in the pleasure of their making, but also to give myself a bit focus. A focus that doesn’t include the contents. For that is up to my creativity and possibilities rather than pure planning.

Photographs are from Vincentia and our last abstract workshop. I will be down there too in a few weeks. There’s a few spots on that short lens escape too.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021

first light

first light

at the edge of the shadows

at the edge of the shadows