Len's Journal

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Focused Lens

“Not all those who wander are lost.” 



A huge few weeks grinds to a halt.  Then I am reminded, just one more.  Tomorrow night I am at Port Hacking Camera Club for one of my talks on ‘The Language of Visual Composition”.    So it really hasn’t stopped.  

I am looking forward to winding up the year and starting it again after the summer holidays with my son.  A bit of canyoning is in order, but I still can’t decide where we shall go together.   

Today, one of the Focused Lens groups finished.  We were spoiled with amazing photographs and importantly beautiful precious objects made with them.  From handmade books, through portfolios to finished prints for walls.  We did a print exchange and even a photographic ‘Chris Cringle’.   Beautiful food and shared friendship.  Photographic get aways. 

Focused Lens is my favourite program.  Finding a good teacher is easier than finding good students they say.  Having the chance to mentor enthusiastic photographers over a period of time and watch them blossom is heart warming.  Each time they come with prints and head off on thier projects full of ideas.   An appreciative audience full of encouragement does wonders for our growth. Much like fertiliser so our creativity can grow.   

Today was our harvest.  For the fruits of our labour’s, the photographs were ready. 

Would you like a glimpse?

I thought so.  So I have attached a few snaps bellow for your enjoyment. 

For next years Focused Lens follow the links below.  They will be booked out soon. 



Ollie, Cyan’s dog.   Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018