


“ I think good dreaming is what leads to good photographs.”

– Wayne Miller


I am definitely a dreamer.  Day dreams.  Fantasies.  Imagining things.  Designing things.  Drawings and notes of ideas. Hundreds of journals full of them.  For me I have had to learn to live with an over abundance of ideas.  Can’t possibly do or make all the ideas that flow out of my imagination.


The point is that they keep coming. I enjoy them.  Cultivate them, so they keep coming.


Why is that important?   Well, they are an expression of creativity and being an artist means being creative as much as possible.  Living a creative life.  


How can you make your life more creative?  Dream is just one way.


The show in Leura continues to do well.  Thank you to everyone that has gone and particularly to those of you that have told others (and myself).  It’s open again tomorrow though to Sunday 11am - 4pm.  I will be there all Sunday too if you want to visit me while I am there.  There will be an artist talk on Sunday at two pm.  Come and say hello.  Light and Shadow Gallery Leura.


Furber Steps.  Katoomba. The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.  Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018



Focused Lens

Focused Lens