Thredbo Creek

Thredbo Creek


Well actually it probably isn’t Thredbo Creek. I’d really have to look at the map to be certain of it’s name. This one flows off the rams heads.

Will be rather a different scene next week with fresh show around it don’t you think?

Yet, who knows if we’ll get there or not? I try not to get stuck on an idea about visiting a certain location. I much prefer to follow my instincts at the time. Considering the light, the weather, the mood, the conditions and checking in with others and myself.

If I plan things out too much I miss opportunities because I become focused on my plan. The best plan is no plan they say. I doubt that I truely agree with that but having multiple options is better than only just enough to survive.

Plans stop me being in the moment. They stop me listening to what’s really going on around you. They become a barrier to seeing what’s in front of me.

Hopefully it’s obvious I am talking about my art. Not about other things where planning is important.

It’s probably easier to just reframe it. The plan is to create beautiful art whenever and wherever we can.

Some mist forecast for next week. Wooohooo now won’t that be exciting.

It’s not to late to join us for a Snowy Mountains ISO Escape.

Creek near Dead Horse Gap. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Growth Facilitating

Growth Facilitating

ISO Escape to the Snowy Mountains