Mountain Devils

Mountain Devils


Lambertia formosa is the botanical name, if you were wondering, of the mountain devil. I was so surprised to find it growing at Jervis Bay. I thought it being a mountain devil it lived in the mountains. Assumptions. Perhaps I have seen them in Sydney too? Where do they grow? In the sandstone basin perhaps. All conjecture no doubt as I really have no idea.

We would get the seed pod, and use them as the heads for pipe cleaner bodies. I have even seen them in the tourist shops recently.

A very different feeling this photograph has to my monochrome version of the same flower. It’s dark and moody and the flower glows with light from its surrounding leaves. Here it’s light and airy. More like one of my watercolours. Delicate. Gentle.

Rather than just talk about the other photo why not just show you?


One of the things I plan to change is showing you more work in series rather than just individual photographs. For adding a few images together strengthens them. They talk and start new conversations. Can’t wait to tell you a bit more of what Clair and I are up too. But that can wait a little longer yet as we continue to nut out the details.

Lambertia formosa, Photography and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

The Leura Retreat

The Leura Retreat

Sydney’s trees

Sydney’s trees