The Collective Beat

The Collective Beat


“I am an artist, would have been a painter, but the camera was invented”.

Matt Smith as Robert Mapplethorpe in the film “Mapplethorpe”

I cant wait to see that film, later this year. Another hero of mine, played by a different intergalactic hero.  Oh my.. 

I wanted to be a painter, a drawer an artist.  It’s with light now days, but still with paper.  One of the beautiful things about photography is it’s speed.  A painting can take hours, weeks and years.  A photograph can be caught in 1/8000 of a second, and less. 

It is such a direct medium.   

A few seconds adjustment and it’s done. 

How beautiful is that.   

There is an opening of the refurbished shop today at the Collective Beat in Kiama.   Yesterday I did some more work on my little gallery and added scarves.    It is really coming together.  Tash has done a fantastic job of designing the interior of my space.  It’s amazing what an expert in a field can do for those of us whom try to do everything them selves.  An interior designer and a merchandising specialist.  

Still lots more to do.  But each visit brings it closer.  Now to add more unframed prints and lots more hand printed work of mine, a few more limited editions and the show stopper of a huge print.   

Bombo Quary. Kiama region. Photograph and Text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019



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