The end of a decade

It amazes me how the end of the year brings so much refelection and looking forward. It is such a marker in our lives. The changing of the seasons, the holiday breaks. The new calendars.

The funny thing is that it’s so arbitrary.

Worth doing nether the less.

Looking outwards, forwards.

To look forward one needs to know where one came from.

Being a creative looking forward is easy, learning to see where one came from was a harder lesson. Dad taught me to look around when we went bushwalking as a child. The big picture is so important when out in the world. So You don’t get lost, or geographically miss placed we say as we hate the word lost. To get lost, nobody likes admitting they are lost. Navigating became second nature, to the point that I rarely have to think about it. I learnt to stop regularly and look back at where I had come from, because the view is always different when you look backwards. Do you ever look behind you? Do you stop to look around you, and really see where you are?

Hence all the reflections at this time of year I suspect.

Where did you come from? What have you learnt? What achievements have you made? Where too next? Where will you go next year? Next decade?

Its such a beautiful moment to stop and ponder…

I do want to wish you well for the end of a decade and the start of a new one. May the next decade bring you great personal growth and satisfaction, love and happiness, and of course, lots of beautiful art.

Signing off for this decade… can’t wait to see you in the next one…. smiles…

Looking out at a Glasshouse Rocks in Narooma. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Twenty twenty

A series of nine, a January challenge