


“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.”

– Henri Cartier–Bresson


I have probably posted this photograph previously, I do forget what I have. I do find myself instinctively returning to favourites.  My apologies in advance if that disappoints you.  Personally, I never tire of so many of them. 


This one captures my attention because of its sketched quality.  I took it in one of those moments that Henri is talking about.  A moment of intuition and spontaneity.  Just wandering along the banks of Myall Lakes at Mungo Brush.  I have been swimming and sailing from this very beach since I was a teenager. 


But what really fascinates me about this photograph is how it has a sketched or drawn look.   I still can’t figure out why it looks like a drawing.  If it does look like a drawing to you, and you can figure out why, perhaps you could let me know. I’d appreciate your thoughts.


I get get really excited when my photography leaves photography and touches on other mediums or explores other parts of itself. 


The exhibition continues to go well at Leura. They sit incredibly well with the work of Max Dupain. Complementary. Probably because of the bias of the curator for Max’s work. He carefully shifted through hundreds of photographs and picked work that spoke to him.   


Myall Lakes.  Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018



