Len's Journal

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Namibian Sands

“There is a considerable amount of manipulation in the printmaking from the straight photograph to the finished print. If I do my job correctly that shouldn’t be visible at all, it should be transparent.”  ~ John Sexton

Actually I don't want to see any technique in my photographs or of others.  For me if I can see tricks and processing, manipulations and technique I find it distracting.  When these manipulations become the subject you have lost me as a viewer. As soon as I discover you have dropped a sky in you have lost me. If I can see your graduated neutral density filter in the final print it's over.  

My best work arrives easily.  Unexpectedly. It just turns up. It's there.  I know it's good.  Sometimes it grows on me.  Sometimes I doubt it's worth.  Sometimes I fall out of favour with it.  But in the very clear majority of my work I know.  I can feel it.  Sense it's worth.  

But when I go to print my work.  One of my favourite things about photography is the photographic print. I spend the time to get the print right.  Sharpening, mid tone contrast, the black and white points.  They all need to be just right in the print.  Adjusted to my taste.  But my goal is for them to be transparent so they don't detract from the photographic print. Ever.

Namibian Sands, do you know you could come with me to Namibia in March this year. There are still a few places left if you book now.   Photograph copyright © Len Metcalf 2018