


Art is a line around your thoughts. ”

- Gustav Klimt

Last year my son rings me from Cradle Mountain and asks if we can walk the Overland Track together.  My heart melts as this is a walk I have wanted to do for ages but had never really found someone to do it with.  I check to make sure he realises what's involved in such a walk.  5-6 days of pack carrying bushwalking.   Yes dad, I know.

So last week we do our first little walk.  A short overnight to Deep Pass. To practice and start the long process of building up to a longer walk.  Deep pass is less than an hours walk with plenty of caves and canyons to entertain my 11 year old son. 

We even found a soccer ball there and spend time kicking it to each other.  But, his main fascination is in sharing photography time with dad.  We climb into the deep sandstone slots and photograph in the rain of the first afternoon and in the morning we wander up the canyon and photograph for hours together.  He is currently using my old EM-1.

It's heart warming to find such companionship with my son within my loves.  Lisa reminds me, it's who you wander with that matters.  

Today's photograph was from that trip.  

Tree in Deep Pass Canyon. Photograph copyright © Len Metcalf 2018

Namibian Sands

Namibian Sands

What should you leave out?