The environmentalist, the educator and the artist

The environmentalist, the educator and the artist

The talk to the Royal Photographic Society’s that launched this years AGM went down very well. So many heard about it and missed it they asked if I could do it again. The contemporary group has picked it up and we will be doing it on Saturday 18th December 10 am UK time which is 9 pm Saturday 18th here in Sydney Australia. They have the presentation open to members and non members. So if you are interested you can register and listen from where ever you are in the world no matter who you are.

So fabulous. Here is the link to the event.

Len Metcalf talks about how he uses his creative photographs of trees and critically endangered wilderness areas to stimulate ongoing environmental conversations. He illustrates his talk with his mesmerizing monochrome photographs of the Tarkine in Tasmania and near his home in the Blue Mountains, Australia. He challenges us to engage in conversations in our own work to educate others. Len talks about how photography is deeply personal for him, particularly when it is considered an art. He demonstrates how his art is a mirror shining back at himself teaching him about who he is.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021

Golden Outsider

Golden Outsider

A creative affair

A creative affair