Myall Lakes

Myall Lakes

Shirley Steel and I are getting really excited about going to Myall Lakes in September. I have so many loves there. From sand dunes to beaches. Lakes of course. But my favourite is the trees. The lakes are lined with the most gorgeous trees.

In these I was playing with inky looks. Trying to make them look like ink drawings. Clair and I have been getting out our new fountain pens and drawing lately. Trees of course. We both draw trees and leaves and flowers and nuts. So I am always trying to create photos that look like drawings or paintings.

Anything goes at an Abstract Workshop. I guess you probably knew that already. You have so much to photograph at myall lakes. I think it is a perfect venue for us to run the workshop.

I have also added back into my mix of offerings the ability for you to choose your own dates and locations. I used to run ‘escapes’ when we were getting out of lockdown. They were very successful. They stopped selling so I took them down. But I have decided to return them. I also fiddled with all my prices and reduced them. I think nearly all of my trips have discounts now. Times are hard and I want to help where I can.

We have four booked into the abstract workshop. That is really my next booked trip. So today I invite you to join us.

For more information see the website

I hope you are enjoying my return to writing again. It’s been a few years off I think. Sorry for the break. But I must have needed it. I get down on my writing way too easily. I blame the dyslexia. But I should blame our education system that didn’t know how to teach me.

As you can read, am back to just spilling my thoughts out. So I’ll spill some photos for you to enjoy too.

Inky trees from Myall Lakes

Lamington National Park

Lamington National Park

Oops I accidentally deleted the image

Oops I accidentally deleted the image