Len's Journal Volume 3 Issue 1 - out now
Len’s Journal Volume 1 Issue 3, ready for packing!
Len’s Journal Volume 3 Issue 1 is our current issue. We are so excited to receive our first issue for 2023 back from the printer. As always, Momento Pro have done a fantastic job of printing and binding this issue. We’ve gone for something different for this year with Len’s colour work and his series Purple Haze, featured in the journal this issue, looks stunning printed.
Our other featured artist photographers have also printed beautifully. If you have ordered your copy via subscription, your wait is nearly over as we’ve been busy packing the journals up and will be posting them out to you today!
Rachael Talibart, from the UK, (www.rachaeltalibart.com) wows us with these wild, stormy, atmospheric coastal images.
Suellen Saidee Cook, from right here in Australia, (https://www.suellensaideecook.com.au) adds so much fun to this issue with her whimsical, intricate treehouses. They are just astounding!
Takashi Fukukawa from Tokyo, (https://www.instagram.com/fukukawatakashi) shares his film images that he uniquely displays as triptychs.
Hazel Hewlett-Smith, also from Australia, shares her beautiful monochrome flowers.
Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) shares his love of the colour purple, showing us that he isn’t all about sepia as we thought!
Please check out their links as each photographer listed here has lots of beautiful work, not just that which we’ve picked out for Len’s Journal.
Len hand numbering Len’s Journal Volume 3 Issue 1
If you’ve missed out on this one, we have a few extras that can be purchased through our website here.
Photographs reproduced with permission.