Len's Journal

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The Journal is out!

Time to breathe a sigh of relief as our new issue of Len’s Journal has been hand embossed, numbered, lovingly packaged and posted by Len!

That’s right, Len’s Journal Volume 1 Issue 3 is on the way to our subscribers. You can look forward to some fantastic images all brought together in a beautifully printed book.

Our featured photographers this quarter are: Chris Friel, Michael O’Neill, Isabel Hight, Liz Johnson and, of course, Len Metcalf.

If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Len’s Journal print magazine and would like to receive the next issue (Volume 2 issue 1 published in Feb next year), please subscribe before 8th Jan 2022. You can do so here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription