introducing: Kelvin Knox

introducing: Kelvin Knox

Kelvin Knox is a fellow Aussie who explores the darker side. We are excited to be featuring a series of his work in our next issue of Len’s Journal, Volume Four, Issue One.

Len says: “Kel introduced me to the emu in the night sky. Kel has taught me a lot over the years. Our conversations are always deep, meaningful and profound. I have had the pleasure of watching Kel change and grow as an artist in that time. As I stare at his photograph above of the emu constellation in our sky, I am reminded that so much story is told in the black. In this series Kel reminds us that black is indeed a powerful absence of light. Kel’s work ads an aesthetic and intellectual depth to this issue. As I stare at the dark emu, I am taken back to the dreamtime through stories from the indigenous custodians of our land. I stare with respect and humility, thankful for the peace country brings me. Kel’s photographs speak of time in such an eloquent manner” .

To see more of Kelvin’s work, please visit his website:

This image is part of a series of Kelvin’s work that will appear in Len’s Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, due for publication in Feb 2024. Subscribe to the print edition of Len’s Journal here.

Photograph reproduced with permission. Photograph copyright © Kelvin Knox 2023

introducing: Shaun McGrath

introducing: Shaun McGrath

A Creative Affair and Nicki Gwynn-Jones - Magic in Art and Nature

A Creative Affair and Nicki Gwynn-Jones - Magic in Art and Nature