Len's Journal

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Planting trees

Yesterday I took what feels like a giant leap of faith and have paid for a few hundred trees to be planted. Why is it a leap of faith? Because I feel like I am doing something proactive and not just talking about it.

Some might say planting a tree is a carbon credit. I am not sure I feel that way about it. An exchange for my sins using coal and oil based energy. I ask myself about all the days I walk somewhere or catch public transport. Or the days I do travel at all?

Planting trees feels more like a positive step in actively increasing the amount of trees in the world. Just as much as defending the ones that are still yet to be cut down. I still can’t believe that we allow our governments to log and destroy old growth forests here in Australia, let alone anywhere in the world. None of the logging actually produces timber that has a unique purpose. Instead it’s shipped overseas for very little profit to the Australian community as wood chips. Destined for toilet paper no doubt. Totally unbelievable. Senseless destruction for an incredibly tiny gain. Plantation pulp can easily make the same paper. FFS.

Well, I am going to commit to planting a tree for every Len’s Journal we sell. Yes a whole tree. It’s amazing how little that actually costs too. I’ll plant a few hundred more for me too.

I decided to use an app called ‘Sprout Trees’. The app was worked on by my mate whom I met in the Middle East nearly thirty years ago. Andrew Gebicki. We often catch up at Myall Lakes during the Christmas school holidays. Though that was a while ago we last saw each other. We have been friends ever since. He is someone I trust, and so I trust this project due to his recommendation and his commitment to make it happen.


App Store:


I’d really love to see Australia start to work on some green belts. If Africa can grow one across the whole continent I think we can manage a few here. What a perfect stimulus plan. Massive re forestation of this country. Huge employment opportunities and a way to heal our country.

It’s amazing that we have to come at this from such a grass roots level. It’s such simple biology. We need to care for our planet, our home. Simple ecology. We can’t keep explaining at the current rates and not pay for our abuse. Until we stop and change…

Rant over. Lol.

Plant some trees with me please.

Photographs snd text copyright © Len Metcalf 2021