ISO Escapes on sale now…


From yesterday. The panic that sets in as you wonder why your websites no longer are working. Good news is they were only down for a couple of hours and were fixed. And that it was site wide and not targeted at me. Some of you might have missed this yesterday so here it is again.

I really need to get this out to you.

Something has gone wrong with my website this morning, so I am left writing today's newsletter via my mail server.  Of all days for it to go haywire. Oh well such is life. It may all come good and you may get a second email latter in the day.

Today I want to announce to you a whole suite of new Short Len's events. I have called them ISO Escapes.  Very small groups so we can maintain our distance from each other whilst being spoiled and making the most of our recent release from the stay at home orders.

These are five days, in length. Monday is for getting there, settling in, and warming up photographically, and Friday is for getting home, after a morning shoot of course.  In the three days in between we immerse ourselves in photography. Out shooting whenever the light is just right. Presentations to inspire and motivate us. Time to download, process and print our photographs for critiques. Time for an afternoon nap perhaps.  Spoiled with your own private room and lots of great food.  Be driven from Sydney or drive yourself for maximum social distancing.

The truly unusual thing about these trips, is that you get to choose your destination. The first person who books on the trip chooses where they would like the ISO Escape to take place. I have listed all of the locations in NSW that I know well enough to run a workshop / tour in.  You choose. Since releasing these, three have already been decided.  Perhaps you would like to join us on them, or select a new one.

Bellow are the dates of my ISO Escapes that are available. You can see three already have starters. I can't wait to get out to some lovely locations with some great people and feel that inspiration from being with other photographers in amazing locations.

22 - 25 June 2020

20 - 24 July 2020 - Myall Lakes

10 - 14 August 2020

14 - 18 September 2020

21 - 25 September 2020 Mudgee, Hill End, Gulgong

16 - 20 November 2020 Port Stephens

I am also offering online mentoring over the coming year.  Very reasonable prices and such great support. This suits the more independent learner who is able to work on their own projects at home and would like some guidance.  This is incredibly successful with the right people.

You can also purchase my video presentation series delving into photographic composition.  I have noticed for the price you pay me for my thirty hours you will only get a three hour presentation with other photography teachers.  That is great value for money as well.

I am recording one a week, live in Len's Club.  For those that are interested, the subscription to Len's Club is a more economical way of seeing these fantastic presentations I am creating.

Please forgive me for all the advertising and marketing in this email.  Unfortunately I need to get up and running with some physical events as soon as possible.  I am so humbled by everyone's response so far.  If you are already booked into an event and you haven't heard from me, then please check through your recent emails and write to me so I can give you the new dates for the events.

I will add a few photographs at the end for your enjoyment from our last Abstract Photography Workshop.  Our next one is in October at Jervis Bay, which will go ahead with reduced numbers.  It is still hasn't reached capacity yet.

Until then, photographically yours

Bronica EC
