
In our digital age everything is typed. We read perfectly formed words. The patterns between the words are incredibly accurate and precise.

There is plenty of research showing that handwriting is good for us. Mostly it is in the cognitive memory area. If you write a list as opposed to typing it, you will remember it more. It obviously engages more of your body. Physically.

They say it engages your intuition more too. And your creativity.

Your morning pages are best handwritten. Not familiar with morning pages? Look up The Artists Way, with Julia Cameron.

I really love old fashioned sketch books and diaries. Blank pages with soft beautiful acid free paper to draw and write on. Then I can mix diagrams, words and pictures together. Dream diaries and thoughts, lists and ideas. Pictures that speak thousands of words in a few lines.

It’s something I miss in this digital age, where I reach for the phone. My thumb gets strong with all the typing it does on here.

How long has it been since you wrote a letter? Received one even? OMG. Way too long, I can’t remember. I have a box under the house with them all. At least people still give me cards. Mostly hand made, most with photographs that the person created themselves on them. All with their personal handwriting and love and individuality that comes with it.

Here’s an idea. Write to someone. With all this extra time why not do something very special for someone else.

Another idea. Start a journal, a visual diary, a journal of words, or even a journal of pictures or videos.

There is something very special about handwriting.. just saying..

Betty Edwards reminded me of this, this morning. She wrote Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. A brilliant book for learning to draw, particularly at home by yourself.

Found a new walk yesterday by taking a path that wasn’t on the map. Fantastic waterside Walk. My new project is photographing what I can walk too. Hopefully more rain soon, so I can revel in the soft light.

Orchid. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Abstract Expressionism
