A spot of colour to lighten up life

It’s overwhelming isn’t it.

So we put our heads down and do things so we can avoid those feelings. That’s a good thing. It’s too easy to spiral downwards at these times of uncertainty. We try hard to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Putting all of my future events on indefinite hold is a huge emotional leap. Everyone understands. Are there any alternatives? I have taken the first step of putting a page on my website. https://www.lensschool.com/corona-virus Writing about it here is the second. Next is all the emails I have to write to clients.

What is indefinite hold? It’s wait and see. If things continue to deteriorate it means postponing events until we can. It means that if there’s a miraculous improvement we can probably easily still go. I have been thinking of transposing them a year forward, but that is just a thought.

Isn’t going to some quiet patch of nature to take photographs the ultimate form of social distancing? In the meantime we probably just have to do it alone, or with those we wish to share the future together with. As you know, basically, any unnecessary gathering of people increases the risk.

Some say we will be through this in a month or two, while others talk in years. I believe, honesty, that they are only just guesses. No one really knows anything with any certainty.

Exponential growth…. now that’s unbelievably scary.

The media is having another field day isn’t it. Best to carefully research who and what you take in. Give yourself a break and turn it off for a bit.

Go and do something for yourself or for others. Fill your time. Make art. Walk. Take photographs. Look after each other. Read. Daydream.

I really just want to go to the Tarkine for a very long time and hole up in a cabin or a tent, take photographs, commune with nature and walk out when’s it's all over. Leonard, now you’re dreaming again….

Luckily I have Len’s Club to work on…. building an online educational creative community for photographers… one where social distancing doesn’t have to mean loss of community and support… I am still hoping to release it on Friday. More to come.

Orchid. Snowy Mountains. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Spirit of Endurance

Drawing with my camera