Flowers and Dreams

Do you believe in dreams?

Last year I had a dream about a wonderful woman whom was doing a collaboration with me. She was taking us to meet the publisher. I could see her so clearly in my dream I drew her in my dream diary. She was doing the sales pitch and business negotiations on our behalf. Organising a book and lecture tour. She had been doing part of the book that I felt I could do but I was so pleased she was doing. The writing. We were seeing Paul.

Paul is a lovely man and a thoughtful and passionate photographer. Paul became so significant in deciphering the dream, as he loves gardens. It took him a long while to figure out he should be photographing them, despite me intuitively telling him early on. We photograph those things we are passionate about the best. You can see it in people’s work. It’s usually love, but not always. Paul was on my first Photography Master Class in Katoomba all those years ago. It was though thinking about Paul I was able to make the mental connections with flowers.

Three days later I am sitting with Kristyn Hayward. It was the first time we had met. I recognised her from my dream so I told her about it with particular attention to my flower photography. Kristyn loves my flower photography and has recently embraced her childhood dream of writing.

Our conversation inspired her to write a poem about one of my flower photographs. What followed was an explosion of hard work, inspiration and over thirty poems later we have something amazing to work with. Each poem inspired by a particular photograph of mine. Do you think thirty poems with thirty photographs is enough for a book?

I haven’t read them all yet, but the ones I have are wonderful. It’s the year of publishing for me. I can’t wait. This week she is starting to share them with her clients.

The power of dreams…. So now what does last nights dream mean?

Found this little flower on the Western Arthurs, probably not one for this book, but then again who knows. We will have wait to see what the poet feels. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Len’s Club

Len’s Club

Our love affair with trees