Centennial Park


“When we are in the mindset of play we don’t question failures, we don’t even think about them. Instead, we experiment with bold risk taking.”

~ Len Metcalf

Jodi Rose and I were out at Centennial Park yesterday playing with our beloved trees and dancers. Our book gets closer and closer. We have another whole bout of dancers to photograph, while the words keep growing and forming.

I can’t wait to show you more of the work.

These reeds were on my mind to feature but they were too tall for our dancers. So we will have to enjoy them as they are.

Momo foto bombed us many times. Loving being out with everyone. I didn’t know, but the park is highly dog friendly. And is probably the largest dog friendly space in Sydney.

Thursday saw Shirley Steel and I progress on our book too, while this week Nina sent through an edited pile of quotes for the coffee table book.

I will ask this again… but will ask now…

Do you have any favourite things I have personally written over the past few years that just resonates with you? Am looking for general life things, that I hopefully have written in the past for this book… If so email them through so we can grow the pool of words. My goal is a book of my quotes and photographs for people who are enchanted by my work…

Reeds. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Western Australia WIldflowers

Looking into the void